Thursday, April 26, 2012

James' asthma attack

Last Friday, April 20, James had a severe asthma attack. It was so severe he had to be medevaced to Goose Bay. It's an awful thing for any parent to have to see their children sick but even more so for James because he can't communicate like other children. He was walking around with a 'pain in his belly' and crying. So his Nan(I was working) brought him over to the clinic at 11:30 am. He never got back home till 5:00 pm April 23. He had a total of 8 masks. Three were equivalent to about 125 shots of his puffer. His heart rate was almost double for his age and his oxygen saturation was down to 80 when it should have been 98 to 100. He had a sleepless night on Friday and didn't get any rest till Saturday which is when he finally started to improve. And the drama didn't even end when we flew home. Upon final approach to Makkovik we had to abort our landing because another plane was already landing on the runway. The pilot applied full power and pulled up and away. I didn't know what was going on till I looked down at the runway and saw the plane landing. But thankfully James is doing well now. He now has a Flovent puffer to help with his bronchitis, has finished his medication to take down the inflamation in his lungs, and has a referral to see a pediatrician in Goose Bay.

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