Quite chilly this morning and yesterday. I don't think we're gonna see anymore plus 30 degree temperatures. Mom and Dad and the kids are gone over to North River again. Their original plan was to send the kids back with David and Jenna because they were gonna stay over for a couple nights to get some red berries, also known as partridgeberries, but the berries might not be ripe yet. Red berries are really good for treating diabetes and Dad gets some every fall. Bakeapples, aka cloud berries, arpik or akpik depending on the Inuit dialect being used, were scarce this summer.
Walked up on top of Black Head yesterday, or "the Base" as everyone calls it here, because there used to be an American radar station there, part of the Pine Tree Line of radar stations built in the late 40's early 50's. Took me about 30 minutes up and 20 minutes down. The old road is in really bad shape, completely washed away in some places.
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