August 25-2020
Got to wear masks or face coverings now in indoor public spaces. The kids got to wear them in school in the hallways but not in class. Julie starts in person classes Sept 1st. She is
working at Dairy Queen now, a new place in Goose Bay. She loves it so far, her new job.
Got a lot of mushrooms yesterday evening and this morning. Four bags full 15-20 pounds. Most I ever see I think. Some places there are great big clusters of them.
Got back from an unplanned night at Batteau a couple days ago. Me, Joce and Scott went up to bury Loni's ashes at Sand Banks. It was rough, wet and foggy going up and there was a big sea on. Julie couldn't come because she just started a new job. Good thing she didn't too because she would have been scared. Scott got bad sea sick from Devil's Lookout to Indian Tickle. We stopped in to Indian Tickle to get Faith, Junior, Darryl and Krista. Then we all went to Sand Banks to bury Loni, stopping at Black Tickle to get Jamie.
Good thing I had my GPS because I would have got lost.
Dougie Morris and Suse was with us in their boat. So was Wanda Cabot and Rodney Webber in their boat, which was good to travel in company. Dougie lost his bearings and turned around in the opposite direction at Devil's Lookout. I had to catch up to him and show him the right way. He had a GPS but it wasn't working properly or something.
It was a long rough ride but it was much better coming back. We stayed at Clyde Morris' cabin at Batteau. We had lots of room, 3 single beds and 2 queen size beds. Him and Willie and Jamie are staying there while they are fishing. Clyde and Willie are fishing for Cod and Jamie works for the Shrimp Company at the wharf in Black Tickle.
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