Wednesday, January 20, 2021

There were 6 or 7 poles snapped off after that ice storm, thousands of trees either bent over or snapped off. I saw 4 or more inches of ice covering some of the trees up on the hill where the microwave towers are. The towers are on backup power. If that goes no internet, phone or cell services.

This winter is turning out to be way warmer than it normal. Even up in the high Arctic in places like Iqaluit is 10 or 20 degrees warmer than normal. Half way around the world over in Siberia it is the opposite with much colder temperatures than is normal.

Made another trip to Goose Bay and back. For First Aid training this time. The wife stayed with me while I was there this time. Friday night I did not get a good sleep. There were some people next door drinking all night and into next morning. What a racket, bawling and banging. The cops were called 2 or 3 times. Gary Bird, who just had back surgery, and his girlfriend were sleeping below them. They didn't get any sleep either.

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