A little while ago someone said something to me about alcoholism and drug addiction, that it was a lifestyle. I don't know whether to call that ignorant, ill informed or what because it is just not true. It's not a lifestyle, it's not a choice. I've lived with alcoholism my whole life and I'm still trying to get away from it. My Dad was an alcoholic until he gave his heart and soul to God. I have Aunts and Uncles who are alcoholics. Where I grew up there was always alcohol. It's not something that you choose, it's something that chooses you. It's a complex issue brought on by any number of factors including mental illness such as anxiety and depression, post traumatic stress, violence, sexual or physical abuse or other life experiences growing up. I quit drinking about 14 or more years now, started when I was very young. My Dad quit around 8 years ago I think. I'm waiting for someone else in my life to give it up and to get help. I pray to God that my kids never touch it. It's so harmful. It affects everyone around you, the ones that are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Some people look at it in totally the wrong way when they should be looking at it from a different perspective because the people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs are victims, victims of their own circumstances.
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