We had a lovely night at our cabin at North River 9 miles north of Cartwright across the bay. Weather was great. We caught a few smelts in the evening then went to the cabin and cooked supper, home made spaghetti with garlic bread. The next morning we decided to go get some water at the spring a few miles up on the Strand(Porcupine Strand). Before you can get to the Strand you have to go out behind the cabins and cross a marsh. We got almost all the way across the marsh but got stuck in slush. I had to walk all the way back to North River to get help to get us out at least a mile, some of it in slush up to your knees. Saw my first geese of the year on the way back. Robin birds have been getting around for a few days now. Someone spotted an American Kestrel a few days ago. Temperatures have been very warm the past few days.