Thursday, March 26, 2009

The pot holes are back

Spring is finally here. We had some great weather the past few days, very warm. So warm the ice on the roads is melting and there are lots of pot holes now. Smelts are getting plentiful at North River. We caught fifty or more a couple days ago. There was a big crowd over there again today. We went up to Eagle River yesterday. We dropped the baby off with his nan and pop for a few hours and went out to Dove Brook and White Bear River for a ride. For those of you who don't know Captain George Cartwright named Dove Brook when he seen a Morning Dove there. White Bear River was named because of the many polar bears that used to feed on the salmon in the summer. There used to be a lot of polar bears at Eagle River as well. In fact he writes in his journal of a hunting trip he made in on the Eagle River one time where he got one polar bear that was so large they couldn't get it in the boat.
However all good things must come to an end as is with our weather and this story. Forecast is good for tomorrow but after that we are supposed to have rain or snow, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Very warm today. The temperature got up to plus five or higher. I don't know if that is a record or not. Went up the bay for a ride. Den Burden of Port Hope Simpson passed through on his way to Rigolet and Makkovik for dog sled races with his team. Here a couple pics.